My Rotary Family

Post completing school my keen interest in aiding the social upliftment of the underprivileged I came across Rotaract, the youth wing of Rotary which quickly interested me because it gave me an opportunity to further my interest in working for the under privileged, while in Rotaract I got an unparalleled opportunity to lead teams of like minded young people. While in Rotaract I was the President of my Club for two consecutive years and served in leadership roles on the District Rotaract administration team for several years. Rotaract gave the platform to do mega projects to help the underprivileged in a big way, I led several fund raising projects for enabling Rotary Social upliftment projects, which gained the teams widespread praise and accolades.

My Years in Rotaract were a unique learning experience and greatly helped in building my confidence and leadership skills. Post my years in Rotaract I decided to move on and became a Rotarian.

Again in Rotary I spent years in serving mankind. I led lots of teams both at my club level as at the level of the District Management Team, as President of my club for 2 years and leadership roles at district team for several years I made strong relationships and satiated my keen desire to help the underprivileged.